Your donations at work
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$30 pays for the internet connection at our student house for one month.
$100 a month will pay travel expense for one of our university students so that he or she can provide academic tutoring in math and science at one of 5 rural high schools in Suchitoto.
$500 will help to improve the science and math programs in the rural schools of Suchitoto.
$500 a year will help us support the vocational programs at one K-12 school, these programs include things like baking cooking, welding and computer repair and maintenance.
$600 helps up provide one half scholarship for deserving high school graduates or continuing university students to continue their studies.
$1200 allows you to sponsor a high school graduate to a year of higher education. Of your donation each student receives $1000/year in ten monthly payments, the remaining money is used to pay the rent and other expenses for a coed student house in San Salvador. We now share the expense of student house in San Salvador another scholarship program which supports higher education within the municipality of Suchitoto.
The El Salvador Projects through your donations have accounted for the largest part of the house expense and most of the furnishings and the cost of an internet connection are paid by us. The house can hold up to 22 students and is only five blocks from the National University of El Salvador, saving our students as well as those from other scholarship programs both time and money. We estimate that each student saves around $500/year when using the house and we consider it a second partial scholarship.
$2000 a year helps us keep a teacher working, improved English and Computer classes and elementary school classrooms from being combined.
Our university students financial aid is given as no interest student loans, the contract with the student states that in exchange for financial aid, he or she will 1) pay costs of higher education for a younger brother or sister, 2) participate in community or social work or 3) repay the no interest loan, providing funds for other students in rural El Salvador to attend the university in the future.
In 2023 we are providing financial aid to 18 university students 6 of which are new students this year. Since 2018 we have also been able increase some needed support to local schools in rural Suchitoto.
Your continued support is always needed and appreciated.
These are examples of how your donations directly affect the lives of not only the students, but the communities in El Salvador that will benefit from their increased skills and broader understanding of their youth.
If you can help with any of our projects needs please send inquiries to Project Director or send your tax deductible donation to:
Palo Alto Friends Meeting
El Salvador Projects
957 Colorado Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Your check should be made out to Palo Alto Friends Meeting and the memo field should say El Salvador Projects/University, or El Salvador Projects/As Needed.
Secure online donations can be made using any major credit card using the PayPal Donate button.
Thank you for considering a donation.
The El Salvador Projects Committee